A bit about Thirteen Poems
Currently I have printed 10 collections of poems, with photographs, for my Thirteen Poems project. Five are presently posted here. (More soon.) Each collection is available in the form of 5.5 x 5.5 chapbook. Complimentary material can be found @thirteenpoems on Instagram (readings, poem videos, individual poems and book collections).
In these works the poems often fall towards the sensibility of haiku. Some of the aspects which bring these small text works into the field of haiku are the use of seasonal words or references, the juxtaposition of two distinct nature references which creates a new intimacy or relationship within the poem, as well as some of the aesthetic and philosophic qualities of haiku. The poems, written with a reverential nod to haiku and its great history, are composed in vers libre, and not the original 5/7/5 format of traditional haiku. I aim for brevity, a minimalist sensibility, and a cadence that suits the subject matter.
Some of the poems stray further a’field and border on observations, lists, love notes, and another one of Japan’s forms; the senryu. I compose a little every day, and spend time with the poems as a way of being more present with the paths, seasons, and moments I encounter on my journey.
Visit again soon to see my books from Mexico, Yukon, Kaua’i and Haida Gwaii.
A peek at my recent Thirteen Poems on Instagram